May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 2013 Work Meeting

A new year has started and we had a wonderful group of ladies that joined together that first Saturday.  It is such a time of joy and fellowship getting together to work on things for the babies of ACH.  We were able to prepare a large assortment of blankets and hats ready for sewing.  The preparation is the part that takes the most time.  When we have a group join together, we really knock out a lot of work!  And, it is great to visit as we get the work done.  For those of you unable to join us, we appreciate all the support you give and the prayers you lift on our behalf.  All together, we make a difference.  Over these next few weeks, a lot of sewing will be done and our February meeting will be able to be an extremely fruitful time.  The result will be a bounty of love delivered to ACH at the beginning of February!  Seems fitting as it is the month of love as Valentine's Day approaches.  Until we meet again, I hope that you have many times to show God's love to those around you and that your heart is full of blessings.  See you February 2!  We can watch for the groundhog together! :)

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