May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Spring has sprung and now comes Summer....

Our Spring delivery was fabulous!  We actually had 2 deliveries!  One in time for Easter and then one more because we finished up some more items!  They were fabulous!  Beautiful shirts, sweet blankets, and even a few hats!  We have such wonderful and talented helpers making this happen.

The last delivery we even started new packaging for our shirts.  In the past, we have simply delivered them unwrapped.  They are now individually wrapped so they are more of a gift for the families to enjoy.  We want them to know that they matter and that it was important to us to provide this for them.  There is a sweet message on the back of the package that looks like this photo below.

In total, we were able to deliver 37 shirts and 69 blankets for spring!  That is awesome!  So many families were blessed!  Click on the photos tab to see all the pictures!

Our June sewing meeting we will be wrapping up the items for our Summer delivery!  The ladies have been extremely busy and it will be another wonderful amount going to ACH!  Our June meeting is also going to be a little different in that we will be having a "Tea Party" as we sew.  We will have tea and cookies to enjoy the afternoon fellowship.

You may ask why we would do a tea party...  June is a very special month for us.  Our daughter was born in June with her heart condition.  We only had the blessing of her here with us for 100 days.  Now we wait to see her again.  All of those days were spent in the CVICU at Arkansas Children's Hospital.  During the pregnancy, we talked all the time about having a little girl and dreaming of the tea parties we would have.  So, we have them and think of her.  She is 5 this year.

Our time in the CVICU was hard, but deeply and richly blessed.  It was during this time our eyes were opened to what is happening there.  Parents are coming in with these new babies and have nothing for them.  They can't afford anything.  Even if they could, nothing exists to buy that the babies could wear due to all the wires and tubes.  This is why what we do is so critical.  We are able to make the only item these families can put on their babies.  And, we are able to let these families know they are truly not alone.  People care about them.

We hope you will join us June 4, 2-?? and enjoy tea and cookies as we sew.  Sewing skills are not required!  We need everyone!

See you there!...