May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2012 Work Session Totals

It continues to be amazing how much can be done in just a few hours!  Today's group was no exception.  What a blessing getting to bless the lives of others.  We completed things today that will allow us to get a wonderful package to ACH this week!  Thank you to everyone that helps us make this possible.  Some donate fabric, some money, some come and cut fabric, and some come and sew, and some work on things at home during the month.  Every little bit makes a difference that adds together for an amazing impact!  Today we completed the following:

21 receiving blankets
10 shirts sewn together
10 new shirts cut out
2  fleece blankets cut

This is a lot of work for just a few ladies to get done in 3 hours! Thank you!

If you would like to work on things during the month as you have a few moments, please let us know.  We will get the information/supplies to you right away!  Everyone can make a difference and every bit of impact adds up to AMAZING!  If you prefer to simply give, we will always use fabric donations.  Fleece and flannel are the most needed.  It takes 1 yard of flannel to make a receiving blanket that will fit the CVICU bed.  It takes 1 yard of 60" wide fleece to make 2 blankets.  We make them a little smaller so they are easier to work with in the little beds.  We can cut out about 8 shirts from a yard of cotton and about 8 hats from soft stretchy knits.  And, we even save the scraps!  They are donated to a group that uses them to make beds for an animal shelter!  Nothing you give will be wasted!