May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 2012 Work Meeting

Our work meeting was once again a blessing!  We had some new faces to enjoy and lend their talents.  God continues to be amazing with the people he brings together and what they can accomplish.  With the few hours of time we were together, we wrapped up so much!  And, the delivery was amazing.  

Over this past month we had some flannel donated which allowed us to have some additional blankets for the babies!!!  As you may know from previous posts, the flannel blankets are used to cover the bed as the sheet.  This gives a pretty bed for the baby to lay on.  Words cannot describe what this means to the families as well as the staff caring for these precious little ones.  As you would expect, when a baby is on the way, you decorate a nursery and prepare with beautiful blankets and bedding.  In a hospital setting, this "decorating" becomes quite limited and the joy of doing such a step is stolen.  By providing blankets to use on the beds, the babies again have a beautiful bed to lay on and a sense of "normal" resumes.  This is needed and appreciated so very, very much.  Please note that although we could buy finished flannel receiving blankets to donate, they are not large enough to cover the bed.  It is for this reason, we take the few minutes required and make the blankets.  As you consider ways to be involved, please consider donating some flannel.  We won't waste a bit of it!  It takes a yard to make a blanket to fit the bed.

During our delivery this month, we were blessed to get a tour of the new unit of the CVICU by the awesome and special nurse Diana.  The wing had opened the end of July, but we just hadn't had a chance to see it yet!  The new rooms have a place for the parents to sleep in the room with their babies.  What a difference this will make.  These parents won't know the pain of having to leave their baby to go rest.  What a blessing!!!!

We were able to deliver 50 hats, 54 shirts, 40 flannel blankets, and a fleece blanket!!!  Wow!  And, when you look at the pictures you are going to love the prints!  All sorts of animal print shirts were delivered giving a "fun" moment for families.  Make sure to check them out as they will be uploaded today as well.

Next month we will be meeting in my home.  Please message me for directions.  By meeting at the house, we do not have to spend time setting up and taking down that could be used to complete items.  And, the money we will save for not renting a space can be used for more flannel!  I hope you will be able to join us even if just for a little while or to simply fellowship with us.  It is my prayer that the message of this post blesses you and inspires you to know that everyone is a Difference Maker and it only takes a little bit to make that difference!  See you November 3!!!