May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 2012 Work Meeting

Every month I am amazed by how much can be done in just a few hours.  And, because of the efforts of you, many babies and their families will be blessed.  Over the course of this month, we have received some fabric donations we are using.  We are also still working on sewing the shirts the awesome kids from Lifesource cut out for us!  We will be working on those for a bit longer.  They were very productive over the summer.

With all of us working together and each doing a part, we get to make a wonderful impact.  We have over 20 shirts, 35 hats, and 15 blankets ready to go to ACH.  They will be delivered this month.

Next month, we get to work on more together!  I hope many of you can join us.  We will be at the Jones Center.  Just look for the group called The Extra Yard the first Saturday of the month from 9-12.

I leave you with this thought from Mother Teresa: "You can do what I cannot do.  I can do what you cannot do.  Together we can do great things."  Each of us have talents to offer.  Come and share or discover yours!