May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 2012 Work Meeting

Wow!  God never fails to amaze us.  We had a great turn out for the July meeting.  And, because of this we were able to accomplish quite a bit together!  I look forward to the monthly meeting to see who gets to come!  It is a time of fellowship and working together to make a difference for the babies of ACH.  What many do not realize is that this difference is not just for the babies, by having a shirt for a mother to put on her little one, you provide a very special gift.  This is a gift without words that can only be experienced by the heart.  And, for nurses working day in and day out in such a tough set of circumstances, you give a spot of joy and something positive and different. 

There are also some other special people that are not able to attend our meetings, you have given us gifts of fabric,  money, and prayers.  These too are used and needed!  We waste nothing because it matters so greatly to these peope to have us do this simple task.  Thank you.

In this meeting we were able to complete 8 receiving blankets which will give wonderful, colorful beds for the precious babies.  In addition, we completed sewing together 16 more shirts!  And, last but not least, an awesome blue fuzzy cap was made!  This is a lot to complete in just a few hours on a Saturday morning.

I hope that even more can join us next month.  We can accomplish even more together!  We meet the first Saturday of every month from 9-12 at the Jones Center.

Thank you for all that are a part of of this ministry.  It will continue to be exciting and a blessing as we grow and make a difference for more and more families!  You are amazing!

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 2012 Delivery Totals

We have had an amazing month giving us a wonderful delivery for the CVICU at ACH.  These shirts and blankets meet all the needs for these precious babies.  What a blessing for everyone involved to meet this need!

Over this last month the leadership kids of Lifesource International have been working hard at making a difference with us.  They have cut out over 100 shirts and more than 40 hats!  This has been done in just an hour of time each Monday morning.  These kids are amazing and work hard when we are together.  On their own they have found additional fun fabrics and cut out other shirts!  And, because of their work we are meeting the needs of the little ones and blessing their families.

This past week we delivered quite a few items.  Included in the delivery were shirts in red, white, and blue so the babies could look perfect on the 4th of July!  We will have additional items to deliver later this month after our work meeting this Saturday.  The beautiful cottons and flannels that have been found and donated give us beautiful items to sew.  Pretty shirts and colorful receiving blankets.  The receiving blankets are used as "sheets" under the babies so they have a colorful and warm bed to lay upon.  It is amazing what a difference it makes to walk in the room and see the little one on a colorful bed.  It changes the entire atmosphere.  "Wow" doesn't give enough to explain what it means for the families in such difficult circumstances.  "Thank you" doesn't say enough for all of you that contribute to this difference.  May you be as blessed as you have blessed!!!

We delivered the following this past week:
20 receiving blankets
28 shirts
30 hats
4  fleece blankets

If you would like to work on things during the month as you have a few moments, please let us know.  We will get the information/supplies to you right away!  Everyone can make a difference and every bit of impact adds up to AMAZING!  If you prefer to simply give, we will always use fabric donations.  Fleece and flannel are the most needed.  It takes 1 yard of flannel to make a receiving blanket that will fit the CVICU bed.  It takes 1 yard of 60" wide fleece to make 2 blankets.  We make them a little smaller so they are easier to work with in the little beds.  We can cut out about 8 shirts from a yard of cotton and about 8 hats from soft stretchy knits.  And, we even save the scraps!  They are donated to a group that uses them to make beds for an animal shelter!  Nothing you give will be wasted!