May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Serger Class and Fabric News

Hello!  Many of the items we make for the babies are most easily constructed using a serger instead of a sewing machine.  And, I know many of you have a serger but do not yet use it to the full potential!  Did you know that you can make over 100 baby hats in a day with a serger?  Pretty awesome and easy!  So, if you are interested, B Sew Inn in Fayetteville has an all day serger class on Tuesday the 20th.  The class is $30 and includes a light lunch.  A hands on project will be completed during the class.  Anyone interested just call 479-442-7808!  A class like this is how I learned to really use my serger and I know it will make a huge difference for you as well.

On another note, the flannel selection on sale this week at JoAnn's is amazing!  I stopped by today and was able to pick up quite a few different pieces.  It only takes a yard to do a receiving blanket that is also used as a sheet under the babies.  It makes their beds so pretty and inviting.  I hope everyone has a chance to pick some up for our next meeting.

You are amazing!  You make a difference!  I will post photos in the near future as well so everyone sees how wonderful these items are.