May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Never Underestimate What You Do!

As we spend this month completing projects for our March delivery, we are joined in our efforts to make a difference.  I was given a "sneak peek" at what Mud Pie will also be doing for ACH!  They are implementing a program to provide socks already wrapped as a gift for the babies of the CVICU!!!  We inspire them, but they inspire us too!  Once all details are finalized and started, I will post photos and information for everyone to see.  They are an amazing company!  Take some time to check them out!  You will be blessed.

Most families at ACH cannot afford the little things such as the beautiful socks or outfits that can be worn and enjoyed in the CVICU.  To have the honor of companies such as Mud Pie making a difference too is what most of you that heard have called "speechless".  To have them honor our daughter Elizabeth Posinski is overwhelming.  There simply are no words.

We also received some money this past week to use to purchase fabric from an anonymous person.  God is so good to provide.  As we are His hands and feet to these little ones that He loves so dearly, He will honor these efforts and you are going to see even more blessings than your bucket can hold!

"You can do what I cannot do.  I can do what you cannot do.  Together we can do great things."  - Mother Teresa.  This is the beauty of all of you.  We each have talents we can use.  Never underestimate what you do.  You impact others and it spreads.  Together, we make a difference!