May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Wonderful Christmas

I never cease to be amazed at what is accomplished when God brings women together to bless His children. In just a Saturday morning, we were able to make and wrap up SO MANY items!  We were able to deliver to the CVICU at ACH the following:  16 1st Christmas blankets, 24 blankets, 32 flannel blankets (used for sheets to have pretty beds), 24 crocheted/knitted hats, and 6 more shirts!

Please take some time and really check out the photos.  One of them will simply make you smile.  It is a picture of Miss Emma.  Her mother gave us permission to post her photo here to share with all of you.  Emma's first outfit is one of the shirts we made and delivered in October.  Emma is just one of the many families you bless when you become part of this ministry.  And, we look forward to blessing many, many more families!!!

The other photos are there for you to see the finished products and all that we had the honor of delivering.  The sweet shirts, the fuzzy hats, and some red hats topped with white pom-poms!  The blankets of all types were an overwhelming blessing.

Christmas is a special time.  It is the celebration of the greatest gift of all, Jesus.  Because God was willing to give us such a special and tender gift, we get to go to Heaven!  We get to be with those that arrived there before us and with as many of you that are willing to accept this gift.  Although our gift to ACH cannot compare with the gift that God gave, I believe it makes Him smile deeply to know we are loving on His little ones here.  And, it is the hope that those at ACH dealing with such hard times and uncertainty know that the gift they received is because they are loved.

May your Christmas be special this year.  Thank you for your love and willingness to be a part of us.  You make such a difference for these families.  Thank you.  Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas is Coming!

Christmas is coming and we want to make sure the babies (and their families) in the CVICU of ACH have joy on that day even in the midst of hardship.  This Saturday, Dec 1, is our work meeting at my home.  For directions, please email me!  We will be working from 9-12 and you can come for all or part!  We pray for many hands and workers as we have several projects to complete for delivery on Dec 10.  There are simply not words for what a blessing you receive when you are able to bless others.  That is the point of loving Christ and celebrating Christmas and His birth.  I hope to see you there!

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 2012 Work Meeting

Our work meeting was once again a blessing!  We had some new faces to enjoy and lend their talents.  God continues to be amazing with the people he brings together and what they can accomplish.  With the few hours of time we were together, we wrapped up so much!  And, the delivery was amazing.  

Over this past month we had some flannel donated which allowed us to have some additional blankets for the babies!!!  As you may know from previous posts, the flannel blankets are used to cover the bed as the sheet.  This gives a pretty bed for the baby to lay on.  Words cannot describe what this means to the families as well as the staff caring for these precious little ones.  As you would expect, when a baby is on the way, you decorate a nursery and prepare with beautiful blankets and bedding.  In a hospital setting, this "decorating" becomes quite limited and the joy of doing such a step is stolen.  By providing blankets to use on the beds, the babies again have a beautiful bed to lay on and a sense of "normal" resumes.  This is needed and appreciated so very, very much.  Please note that although we could buy finished flannel receiving blankets to donate, they are not large enough to cover the bed.  It is for this reason, we take the few minutes required and make the blankets.  As you consider ways to be involved, please consider donating some flannel.  We won't waste a bit of it!  It takes a yard to make a blanket to fit the bed.

During our delivery this month, we were blessed to get a tour of the new unit of the CVICU by the awesome and special nurse Diana.  The wing had opened the end of July, but we just hadn't had a chance to see it yet!  The new rooms have a place for the parents to sleep in the room with their babies.  What a difference this will make.  These parents won't know the pain of having to leave their baby to go rest.  What a blessing!!!!

We were able to deliver 50 hats, 54 shirts, 40 flannel blankets, and a fleece blanket!!!  Wow!  And, when you look at the pictures you are going to love the prints!  All sorts of animal print shirts were delivered giving a "fun" moment for families.  Make sure to check them out as they will be uploaded today as well.

Next month we will be meeting in my home.  Please message me for directions.  By meeting at the house, we do not have to spend time setting up and taking down that could be used to complete items.  And, the money we will save for not renting a space can be used for more flannel!  I hope you will be able to join us even if just for a little while or to simply fellowship with us.  It is my prayer that the message of this post blesses you and inspires you to know that everyone is a Difference Maker and it only takes a little bit to make that difference!  See you November 3!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 2012 Work Meeting

Every month I am amazed by how much can be done in just a few hours.  And, because of the efforts of you, many babies and their families will be blessed.  Over the course of this month, we have received some fabric donations we are using.  We are also still working on sewing the shirts the awesome kids from Lifesource cut out for us!  We will be working on those for a bit longer.  They were very productive over the summer.

With all of us working together and each doing a part, we get to make a wonderful impact.  We have over 20 shirts, 35 hats, and 15 blankets ready to go to ACH.  They will be delivered this month.

Next month, we get to work on more together!  I hope many of you can join us.  We will be at the Jones Center.  Just look for the group called The Extra Yard the first Saturday of the month from 9-12.

I leave you with this thought from Mother Teresa: "You can do what I cannot do.  I can do what you cannot do.  Together we can do great things."  Each of us have talents to offer.  Come and share or discover yours!

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 2012 Work Meeting

What a wonderful work meeting!  Over this summer, the kids from Lifesource International Leadership group had been EXTREMELY busy!  They had so many shirts cut out we took this work meeting to get organized.  When you look at the photos you can see the stack of the cut out shirts.  We have a lot to get sewn and delivered to the precious ACH babies.  The kids also cut out and worked on the sweet little knit hats.  Those are all sorted out and ready to wrap up as well.

With the time this meeting provided, we now have all the shirst sorted and ready to run forward.  In addition, we sorted out the larger scraps and grouped them together in bags ready to be sewn together for quilts.  If there are any passionate quilters out there that would like to tackle some of these, please let us know!  We are truly thankful for the work these kids contributed to such a special cause.

Many families and those working with them will be truly blessed due to the efforts put in this project.

Remember, everyone makes a difference.  We can use anyone of any talents.  Join us September 1 at the Jones Center and be part of this special group committed to blessing the lives of others.

We look forward to seeing you there!  If you would like to work on things throughout the month, just let us know!!!

Thank you to all of you that contribute time, materials, and funds.  Every bit of it is used and appreciated.  May you be blessed abundantly as you have been a blessing to others.

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 2012 Work Meeting

Wow!  God never fails to amaze us.  We had a great turn out for the July meeting.  And, because of this we were able to accomplish quite a bit together!  I look forward to the monthly meeting to see who gets to come!  It is a time of fellowship and working together to make a difference for the babies of ACH.  What many do not realize is that this difference is not just for the babies, by having a shirt for a mother to put on her little one, you provide a very special gift.  This is a gift without words that can only be experienced by the heart.  And, for nurses working day in and day out in such a tough set of circumstances, you give a spot of joy and something positive and different. 

There are also some other special people that are not able to attend our meetings, you have given us gifts of fabric,  money, and prayers.  These too are used and needed!  We waste nothing because it matters so greatly to these peope to have us do this simple task.  Thank you.

In this meeting we were able to complete 8 receiving blankets which will give wonderful, colorful beds for the precious babies.  In addition, we completed sewing together 16 more shirts!  And, last but not least, an awesome blue fuzzy cap was made!  This is a lot to complete in just a few hours on a Saturday morning.

I hope that even more can join us next month.  We can accomplish even more together!  We meet the first Saturday of every month from 9-12 at the Jones Center.

Thank you for all that are a part of of this ministry.  It will continue to be exciting and a blessing as we grow and make a difference for more and more families!  You are amazing!

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 2012 Delivery Totals

We have had an amazing month giving us a wonderful delivery for the CVICU at ACH.  These shirts and blankets meet all the needs for these precious babies.  What a blessing for everyone involved to meet this need!

Over this last month the leadership kids of Lifesource International have been working hard at making a difference with us.  They have cut out over 100 shirts and more than 40 hats!  This has been done in just an hour of time each Monday morning.  These kids are amazing and work hard when we are together.  On their own they have found additional fun fabrics and cut out other shirts!  And, because of their work we are meeting the needs of the little ones and blessing their families.

This past week we delivered quite a few items.  Included in the delivery were shirts in red, white, and blue so the babies could look perfect on the 4th of July!  We will have additional items to deliver later this month after our work meeting this Saturday.  The beautiful cottons and flannels that have been found and donated give us beautiful items to sew.  Pretty shirts and colorful receiving blankets.  The receiving blankets are used as "sheets" under the babies so they have a colorful and warm bed to lay upon.  It is amazing what a difference it makes to walk in the room and see the little one on a colorful bed.  It changes the entire atmosphere.  "Wow" doesn't give enough to explain what it means for the families in such difficult circumstances.  "Thank you" doesn't say enough for all of you that contribute to this difference.  May you be as blessed as you have blessed!!!

We delivered the following this past week:
20 receiving blankets
28 shirts
30 hats
4  fleece blankets

If you would like to work on things during the month as you have a few moments, please let us know.  We will get the information/supplies to you right away!  Everyone can make a difference and every bit of impact adds up to AMAZING!  If you prefer to simply give, we will always use fabric donations.  Fleece and flannel are the most needed.  It takes 1 yard of flannel to make a receiving blanket that will fit the CVICU bed.  It takes 1 yard of 60" wide fleece to make 2 blankets.  We make them a little smaller so they are easier to work with in the little beds.  We can cut out about 8 shirts from a yard of cotton and about 8 hats from soft stretchy knits.  And, we even save the scraps!  They are donated to a group that uses them to make beds for an animal shelter!  Nothing you give will be wasted!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 2012 Notes

What a week!  The kids at Lifesource are awesome!  So far they have cut out over 70 shirts and yesterday they completed 12 hats too!  Now we need hands for getting them all sewn together.  What a blessing to have this need.

If you have time or ability, let us know if you would like to take some of these shirts and get them sewn together.  Also, JoAnn's has some of their flannel half price this week so it is a great time to pick some up.  If you shop at Hobby Lobby, don't forget to use their weekly coupon.  Typically it is for 40% off and you can pull it up on your phone when checking out so you don't need the paper copy!  We want to make sure you are aware of little things like this so you get the most out of your blessings and efforts.

Thank you to some of you that found great deals and have picked us up fabric or have given us money to make these purchases.  We are blessed and you will also be blessed for the love you have shown for these little ones.  Thank you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 2012 Updates

This ministry continues to be blessed!  On Monday we got to work with the kids of LifeSource International!  They are an energetic group ready to make a difference for others.  During this summer they are joining with us to make shirts for the babies of ACH CVICU!  With their amazing efforts, we will be able to expand our ministry to the hospitals of Northwest Arkansas quickly!  How wonderful to know so many more babies and their families will be blessed because of their efforts.  It will be exciting to see what they accomplish over the short months of summer.  It will be just as exciting posting their updates here for everyone to see what they do.

Today a package for ACH was put in the mail and this week they will have new shirts, hats, and blankets for the babies!  And, later this month another package will be on the way to them!  Check out the new photos as well!  Families will be blessed by you!  Thank you!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2012 Work Session Totals

It continues to be amazing how much can be done in just a few hours!  Today's group was no exception.  What a blessing getting to bless the lives of others.  We completed things today that will allow us to get a wonderful package to ACH this week!  Thank you to everyone that helps us make this possible.  Some donate fabric, some money, some come and cut fabric, and some come and sew, and some work on things at home during the month.  Every little bit makes a difference that adds together for an amazing impact!  Today we completed the following:

21 receiving blankets
10 shirts sewn together
10 new shirts cut out
2  fleece blankets cut

This is a lot of work for just a few ladies to get done in 3 hours! Thank you!

If you would like to work on things during the month as you have a few moments, please let us know.  We will get the information/supplies to you right away!  Everyone can make a difference and every bit of impact adds up to AMAZING!  If you prefer to simply give, we will always use fabric donations.  Fleece and flannel are the most needed.  It takes 1 yard of flannel to make a receiving blanket that will fit the CVICU bed.  It takes 1 yard of 60" wide fleece to make 2 blankets.  We make them a little smaller so they are easier to work with in the little beds.  We can cut out about 8 shirts from a yard of cotton and about 8 hats from soft stretchy knits.  And, we even save the scraps!  They are donated to a group that uses them to make beds for an animal shelter!  Nothing you give will be wasted!

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 2012 Work Session Totals

We are such a blessed group!  With the time of the year, there is a lot going on so our group was a little smaller.  However, still extremely successful!  We have many items finished and prepared to go to ACH and there are a lot more that will be completed and taken!  Thank you to those at the meeting and those that work during the month to make a difference for these little ones and their families.  There are just no words for the blessing you give.  Here are our totals of what we have ready to finalize for delivery (many of these items are already done)!

11 fleece blankets
8 receiving blankets
18 hats
25 shirts (with linings)

This is quite a bit of work to happen in just 3 hours together!!!

If you would like to work on things during the month as you have a few moments, please let us know.  We will get the information/supplies to you right away!  Everyone can make a difference and every bit of impact adds up to AMAZING!  If you prefer to simply give, we will always use fabric donations.  Fleece and flannel are the most needed.  It takes 1 yard of flannel to make a receiving blanket that will fit the CVICU bed.  It takes 1 yard of 60" wide fleece to make 2 blankets.  We make them a little smaller so they are easier to work with in the little beds.  We can cut out about 8 shirts from a yard of cotton and about 8 hats from soft stretchy knits.  And, we even save the scraps!  They are donated to a group that uses them to make beds for an animal shelter!  Nothing you give will be wasted!

I look forward to seeing you on June 2 at the Jones Center!  Have a month of blessings!

Monday, April 16, 2012

April Work Session Totals

We had a productive meeting on April 7th!  Thank you so very, very much for all of you able to attend.  One of the items that takes the longest amount of time is cutting out the little shirts.  With the group we had, we got a lot of those ready to sew over this month!  Here are our totals.  As you will see, the group was very busy!

25 receiving blankets cut
10 receiving blankets completed
13 hats cut
14 shirts (with linings) cut
4 fleece blankets cut

With this great start, we will have a nice delivery again for the CVICU at ACH!  We have shirt patterns cut out and available for you to take home with you.  If you would like one of these, please let us know and we will get it to you!  We will post the delivery totals at the end of the month once we have taken the items to them.  If you would like items to work on during the month, please let us know.  See you again this next month!

If you have the opportunity or ability, we are in need of fleece and flannel.  Thanks to some generous people, we have cottons for the shirts ready to go.  We have truly been blessed by these donations and can truly impact the lives of the babies and families because of you.  Thank you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March Delivery Totals

Wow!  What an amazing delivery for March!  So many of you did pieces that contributed to an amazing first delivery.  And, you blessed families and the staff more than words will ever be able to express.  There are no words how wonderful it was to see a precious little baby girl wearing one of our pink shirts made just for the CVICU.  We had this blessing before we left!  Can you imagine being a mom and not able to put a little shirt on your baby?  These mothers will no longer have this issue because of what you do.  And, if you are not yet a part of us, please check out the information on how to help.  Many, many more families can benefit from just a little piece of your time and talents.

Delivered to ACH CVICU:
18 Receiving Blankets (also to be used as sheets)
21 Fleece Blankets
22 Lace Easter Bonnets
26 Shirts
17 Crocheted Hats
19 Hats
2 Large Bottles of Dreft
Toiletries for the parents
Books for the parents

This is amazing.  And, the shirts work around lines, tubes, x-rays... they are completely usable by the staff!  What a blessing to give something to them that simply cannot be purchased anywhere.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for joining us in this ministry.  April delivery can be just as impacting!  Join us this Saturday to get started!!!  We need boy cottons and girl or boy fleece mostly at the moment.  Most of all, we need hands to help.  Thank you for considering us.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Never Underestimate What You Do!

As we spend this month completing projects for our March delivery, we are joined in our efforts to make a difference.  I was given a "sneak peek" at what Mud Pie will also be doing for ACH!  They are implementing a program to provide socks already wrapped as a gift for the babies of the CVICU!!!  We inspire them, but they inspire us too!  Once all details are finalized and started, I will post photos and information for everyone to see.  They are an amazing company!  Take some time to check them out!  You will be blessed.

Most families at ACH cannot afford the little things such as the beautiful socks or outfits that can be worn and enjoyed in the CVICU.  To have the honor of companies such as Mud Pie making a difference too is what most of you that heard have called "speechless".  To have them honor our daughter Elizabeth Posinski is overwhelming.  There simply are no words.

We also received some money this past week to use to purchase fabric from an anonymous person.  God is so good to provide.  As we are His hands and feet to these little ones that He loves so dearly, He will honor these efforts and you are going to see even more blessings than your bucket can hold!

"You can do what I cannot do.  I can do what you cannot do.  Together we can do great things."  - Mother Teresa.  This is the beauty of all of you.  We each have talents we can use.  Never underestimate what you do.  You impact others and it spreads.  Together, we make a difference!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Serger Class and Fabric News

Hello!  Many of the items we make for the babies are most easily constructed using a serger instead of a sewing machine.  And, I know many of you have a serger but do not yet use it to the full potential!  Did you know that you can make over 100 baby hats in a day with a serger?  Pretty awesome and easy!  So, if you are interested, B Sew Inn in Fayetteville has an all day serger class on Tuesday the 20th.  The class is $30 and includes a light lunch.  A hands on project will be completed during the class.  Anyone interested just call 479-442-7808!  A class like this is how I learned to really use my serger and I know it will make a huge difference for you as well.

On another note, the flannel selection on sale this week at JoAnn's is amazing!  I stopped by today and was able to pick up quite a few different pieces.  It only takes a yard to do a receiving blanket that is also used as a sheet under the babies.  It makes their beds so pretty and inviting.  I hope everyone has a chance to pick some up for our next meeting.

You are amazing!  You make a difference!  I will post photos in the near future as well so everyone sees how wonderful these items are.

March 3, 2012 Totals

Here's the totals from our work meeting this past Saturday!  In addition, there are several items being worked on from home by our ladies.  This means our delivery totals will be different (even more!).  So, we will post a delivery total later this month for everyone.  As you can see, quite a difference from last month and it will just continue to grow and make a difference!!!  Thank you!

Cut Out:
12 Hats
6 Fleece Blankets
7 Receiving Blankets

16 Crocheted Hats
4 Hats
2 Flannel Blankets
2 Fleece Blankets
11 Receiving Blanets (these will also be used as sheets under the babies in the CVICU)
2 Lace Easter Bonnets

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fabric Sale!

Wanted to send a quick note and let everyone know that JoAnn's is having a flannel sale!!!  Their Snuggle Flannel Prints that are normally 6.99 yd is only 1.99 yd from Mar 4-10.  This is a great way to pick up some flannel for us if you are able!

Feb 4, 2012 Totals

We got off to a great start!  This covers only the work during our first meeting.  More work is done during the month on an individual basis.  The results will be in next month's post.

Cut Out:
8 Hats
12 Fleece Blankets
12 Shirts

7 Crocheted Hats
3 Hats


Our first meeting was great success!  February 4, 2012 a wonderful group of ladies came together and began the project of providing items for the babies of Arkansas Children's Hospital.  As the group grows, the more babies in Arkansas will be served.  Each meeting will have the totals posted here for others to see.  Check in often for updates!