May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Does it REALLY matter?

We all have those days, the ones where you ask yourself if what you do really matters.  Did it matter that I took the moment to do a little something out of my way?  Did it make a difference?  Most of what we do day in and day out goes unnoticed by the world.  But, then there are those moments, precious moments, when God bends down and whispers "You made a difference"!

Most people do little things for others without any hope of repayment.  We were designed to be servants, to be givers.  It is what gives us purpose and fulfillment.  What is such a blessing, is when just once in a while it gets noticed.  That simple "thank you" can fuel you through 10,000 more acts without the "thank you"!

In the case of what we do for the babies of Arkansas Children's Hospital, we know that we make a difference, but we rarely get to see the personal impact.  This past week we received a card from a mom that was able to have one of the little shirts we make for the babies of the CVICU.  If I were to write what it says, I couldn't do it justice.  It is for this reason, I have attached a photo of the card for you to read yourself.  Warning, you may want a tissue!  It is my prayer this note touches your heart and you know deeply that what you do DOES matter!  Be the Difference Maker that God designed you to be in this world!

Enjoy and I will see you this Saturday to make even more items!!!

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