May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Friday, March 29, 2013

March Showers

I know that typically you hear of "April Showers", but this March we have been showered with blessings!!!

The photos are being updated today and it is my hope that you are blessed by them.  We changed the shirt pattern some and created dresses!  After all, every little girl should have a dress for Easter!  Our work meeting at the beginning of the month was cut a little short for a wonderful surprise birthday party for me by my husband.  You would think that would have impacted our March giving, but it blessed it even more!  The gifts included blankets for the babies as well as gift cards to get more supplies!  And, because several women took projects home to finish, our delivery was exceptional.  We had 4 large blankets, 31 hats (included knit and crocheted), 20 receiving blankets (also used as the sheets), a few fleece blankets, 21 "lovie" blankets, 20 shirts, and 11 dresses!  Wow!  Every little girl had a dress for Easter.

Easter is such a time to celebrate.  It is the day we humbly enjoy the gift of Jesus laying down his life for ours and then rising again to defeat death.  To know that when we are done here we get to go to Heaven is an unexplained joy!  I pray that everyone that reads this update knows this joy.  If you don't, contact me! It's too wonderful to miss! :)

Many of you have read the updates from before about how this ministry was blessed by people I may never know with fabrics at Christmas time.  If you are one of "those" people, I hope you have great joy when you see your fabrics in the photos.  Your gift matters and is being used to bless the lives of many, many others.  Thank you for your gift and willingness to share.  Though we can never match the gift of Jesus Christ to us, it is such joy to give.  Thank you for allowing us to do this.

Have a very blessed Easter weekend!  Celebrate!

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