We have ladies from 11 to 60+ (it's not nice to give ages once you get older :) ) each contributing time and effort. Some sew, some iron, some provide supplies, some cut....it all adds up! We have watched and enjoyed the fact that everyone can make a positive difference if they are willing.
In the fall delivery alone, we had 48 shirts (includes dress style and preemie sizes), 75 flannel blankets, 7 fleece blankets, 13 quilts, and 36 hats! Deliveries like that happen because several people each put forth a little of their time each month. More photos are on our photo page. Make sure to check them out!
I am always amazed as a delivery is finalized how much truly gets done. It just keeps adding up! The impact being made is truly a miracle in itself. Families in their worst moments are being given a gift that allows them to know someone cares about them. And, even bigger, someone cares about their little one. Giving someone that little "kiss on the cheek" in their hardest moment is beyond words.
I pray as you read this short update that you consider joining us in some way. You can give your time or your finances. For those who choose to give a little money here and there, know that it is not wasted! I wait until the biggest sale times to get the most for the money. Yes, the means standing in the cold on black Friday in front of the fabric store. But, to know I can get more for the money and have a bigger impact makes it all worth it!
Happy Fall! And now, bring on the Christmas delivery! It's being put together now!!!