May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Blessed December

Throughout the year, we will find fabrics for Christmas and as Fall approaches, we then begin to work on items for the December (Christmas) delivery.  This year was no exception and the delivery was a wonderful bounty!

We know that Christmas time in a hospital is very, very tough for families.  How do you decorate?  How do you celebrate?  What do you get your child?  Does anyone know you are there?  Thoughts like these can steal the joy of Christmas and the gift of time with your child.  This is why it is so important to make sure this delivery is special.  These families need to know they and their little ones matter and they are loved.  God uses this ministry for that purpose.

Because of the amazing people God has put together to make this ministry effective, we were able to deliver the following in December:
48 flannel receiving blankets (used to cover the bed), 51 shirts (12 were preemie size), 7 gorgeous quilts, 12 lovies, and several heavier and very nice flannel blankets!  Of course, we also delivered a bucket full of chocolate and a big tin of cookies for the wonderful staff!

Take a moment to check out the photos.  The quilts are from a young lady learning how to quilt with her grandmother.  What an example to teach your grandchildren how to make a difference!  And, she's doing quite well!  The quilts are beautiful!  I also hope you enjoy the sweet Christmas fabrics we found for the shirts.  Make sure to check out the precious blanket patterns/fabrics too!  You may see something you donated!  Thank you!

Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Fall Finals for ACH

Our fall wrapped up beautifully!  As mentioned, we were able to make a second delivery of fall items for ACH.  In that were 37 flannel blankets, 32 shirts, and 5 more lovies.  The lovies are our little quilts that will fit in the warming beds and just be a sweet little cover for the babies.  We are blessed to have ladies make these for these little ones!

Our time in the October meeting was very productive as you can see by how much more was wrapped up and delivered.  The November meeting then focused on the delivery for Christmas.  We were cutting, sewing, ironing, more sewing, hand sewing...  and enjoying the fellowship that comes with knowing you are doing something that matters.

We want to make sure you know what we are doing.  And, for those of you that invest time, money, this ministry, we want a simple way for you to be informed with more than just this meeting/delivery summary.  For this reason, you can also follow us on our Facebook page which is Sweet Little E.  We look forward to sharing with you!

Check out the Fall Delivery photo!  I am sure some of you will even see the beautiful fabrics you have donated!  They were fantastic to have a variety of items!