What an amazing year it has been! Our meetings in November and December wrapped up so many items! In December alone we delivered another 50 blankets, 20 shirts, 10 hats, and even 2 quilts from the smaller pieces of flannel!
During this year, we have had donations of time, fabric, and funds that allowed us to impact and bless many, many families. We have been covered by prayer, encouraged, and loved. This next year can be even bigger! So excited!!!
My heart is full of JOY unspeakable! In some of the hardest and saddest times for people as they watch and deal with the struggles and suffering of their little one, we have had the honor of being the love of Jesus to them. Just letting them know they matter, they're not alone. No words can ever describe or cover what this means...to them or me. And, someday when you see His smile, you too will be speechless! I look forward to that moment, but until then, will see how much of a difference we can make!
I urge you that even if you cannot be part of our group, be part of something bigger than you. Find something to use your talents (or learn new things) and be determined to be a Difference Maker in 2015!
Thank you and may you have a blessed 2015!