May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring Showers

Spring has come (and almost gone)! This Spring was showers of blessings. We were blessed with beautiful supplies and giving hands to make them into wonderful, wonderful items.  Although I haven't had a chance to update the blog, we were no less busy!  The first Saturday of each month amazing women show up at my home (as young as 3....) ready to have a wonderful time of fellowship while making a difference for others.  There are others who are unable to join us, but they contribute supplies and most importantly they pray for this ministry.  We were able to send an awesome delivery to ACH at the beginning of May.  And I can't wait to wrap up all the started items in our June meeting and have another bounty of blessings to deliver!  Check out the photos.  You will see all sorts of fabrics!  And, some of you will recognize items made from what you have given.  Thank you.  You make a difference!

Just wait until you see what the June update will have!!!  I look forward to sharing it with all of you!

Remember, everything you do makes a difference.  It doesn't matter what you intend, it matters what is done.  Will you allow your difference to change the world or keep it to yourself?  Will you choose to make sure the difference you make is positive?  Be intentional with the difference you make!  You will find it quite exciting when you do!

See you in June!!!!