It has been a bit since I had a chance to post an update! Since the last update, 2 good size shipments have made their way to ACH! I know I say this every time, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart and with all the passion possible to convey in writing - because of the love and generosity of you, a difference is made in the lives of many, many families. THANK YOU!
We do not like to think about babies and families hurting. To know that each minute things change and more prayers go up asking for healing, love, and hope. The roller coaster of being a patient (or the family) in the hospital is indescribable. It is in the midst of this up and down and back and forth and sideways that your gifts arrive. You give a smile in a world that needs lots of them. For this I personally am truly thankful and hope that you understand just how special you are.
This last shipment to ACH included 40 flannel blankets, 22 shirts, and 14 lovies! Wow! You made this happen. You make a difference. And, someday I will get to stand beside you in front of our amazing God as he smiles at us for showing His love. I don't know of a better reward...
May you be blessed and I look forward to seeing and hearing from you as we prepare for a Christmas delivery!