Our July meeting was such a blessing! We have a lot of things finalized and they will be going to ACH this week! I will post the totals and information as well as photos at that time so everyone can see the impact! We had a great July meeting with several wonderful women! We were even blessed by one bringing fruit and cookies! How much better can a Saturday morning get?!? Food, fellowship, sewing, and making a difference!!! If you missed it, don't despair. We would love for you to join us Aug 3 at our next meeting. Even if you can only be there for a short time, your presence makes a difference! Put it on your calendar now so you don't forget!
There may be some that read this post and feel that they can't contribute because they don't sew. I want to take a moment and encourage you! God uses everyone that is willing to make a difference and show His love. If you are willing, we have tasks that need done! We can use everyone and every skill level. Even 0! So, step out and join us. I guarantee you will be glad that you were a part of such a special Saturday morning. What a great way to kick off each month!
I look forward to our Aug 3 meeting! Make plans to join us! You will be blessed and be a blessing!!!