May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 2013 Ready...Set...Go!

There comes a time when you must stop for a moment and do some prep work!  Our April meeting was a "prep work" meeting and we got so much done!!!  Items were cut out for bags and shirts, flannel prepped for edging, fleece cut for blankets, and strips made for blanket bindings.  Everything takes time but when you do it as a group, it is phenomenal how much is accomplished!!!  I look forward to the May meeting where we can sit and sew and wrap up a ton of items for delivery to ACH!

One of the things you will see noted is "bags" were cut out.  The CVICU is part of the national program called Beads of Courage.  It is a non-profit program where patients receive beads for milestones they conquer.  Patients are very proud of their collections as it is a testimony of their journey and how far they have come.  The beads are on strings like necklaces.  It is overwhelming to see a strand of these beads and know what that patient has fought through to be able to show them to you.  What a fantastic program.  To protect the beads, fabric bags are made by volunteers.  Sounded like a perfect fit for our group!  So, we began with our April meeting and look forward to getting the finished bags delivered for use!  If you would like to know more about the program, please check out and see for yourself!  We are please to help in this endeavor.

Although our May meeting will be a lot of sewing, there is also a LOT of work for non-sewers to accomplish!  We need to iron items, finish items, and always cut out more things!  Please join us regardless of your skill level.  Come and be blessed with a wonderful fellowship of ladies working together to make a big difference in the lives of others.  To top it off, we are encouraging everyone to bring a dish and we will have a potluck brunch together as we work!  Women (of all ages!), sewing, helping, and food!  What could be a better way for you to spend your Saturday morning?!?!  We look forward to seeing you there!