May we someday hear the words "well done" because others have felt His touch and love through our hands and feet and know they are important and special to Him.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 2013 - The Heart Month!

February brings about special thoughts of celebrating love.  And, everywhere you look you see hearts!  So, it is fitting that we would do things with hearts for the heart unit of ACH!  Precious babies wearing our little shirts with hearts on them!  We were blessed with such sweet fabrics to make these shirts.  And then, we were blessed with beautiful blankets as well!  The hats were so cute and one of our ladies even made some headbands for the little girls!  We have quite a bit of talent making sure that these families know they are loved.  Once again, we get the joy of making God smile as we do the little things to take care of His littlest ones.  Our work meeting this month was a blessing with new ladies joining us.  With this time of year many miss out due to sickness going around but somehow God always finds just the right people for our work meeting.  We have all ages and talents taking a small bit of time to help do this work and when you put it all together, wow!  What an impact!  It only takes a willing heart, God takes care of the rest!  We delivered to ACH 6 knit caps, 22 crocheted hats, 36 shirts, 6 quilts, 5 head bands, and 25 receiving blankets (to be used as bed sheets too)!  All this in a month!  Way to go team!!!  I am humbled and overwhelmed by the love and efforts you give.  Thank you.  Check out the photos too!